New .NET Driver Specifications (for .NET 6+)
In January the IVI Foundation completed work on a new generation of lighter-weight driver specifications. These new specifications align the IVI driver standards with common customer expectations around driver capability, while retaining the IVI Requirements for:
- Testing - to ensure high quality drivers
- Documentation - to ensure that driver users have access to documentation necessary to successfully use the driver
- Source code - to enable customers to update and enhance drivers on their own
Generation 2026 describes the new IVI Driver Generation.
February 2025 New Shared Components
The IVI Foundation posted new digitally signed IVI and IVI.NET Shared Components.
For access, see Shared Components
The release notes are posted at Shared Components Release Notes and .NET Shared Components Release Notes.
October 2024 IVI Face-to-Face Meeting
We are holding our October 2024 IVI Meeting Monday – Wednesday, October 28-30, 2024, at Hilton Boston/Woburn, cost of the Room is $222 per night with our LXI-IVI block rate.
The IVI Face-to-Face Meetings is part of the LXI / IVI Joint Face-to-Face Meetings that are b being hosted by TERADYNE in the Boston Area, October 28 – November 1, 2024. Below is hotel and transportation information. Be sure to complete the Event Registration Form in this announcement and email to: IVI Administration
Last day to register and receive the group rate is October 11. Rooms are available on space-available basis, so please act soon.
IVI Foundation Website Update
After several years hosting an active server pages website, IVI has moved to a github hosted site.
June 2023 IVI Meeting
We are holding our June IVI Meeting Monday, June 5 - Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at the Hilton San Diego Airport / Harbor Island, cost of the room is $205 per night with our LXI-IVI block rate.
IVI Updates for Secure Network Connections
The IVI Foundation is responsible for numerous standards that facilitate creating multi-vendor test systems. Several of these standards have been updated to provide for secure communication between test system computers and instruments. These changes are:
IVI-6.1: High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP) has been updated to make secure connections using TLS (Transport Layer Security)
IVI VISA specifications had minor updates so VISA programs can specify and perform secure communication
IVI-6.5: SASL Mechanism Specification (New) was created to enhance interoperability between instruments and VISA libraries
Recent IVI Meetings
This page has details of varfious historical meetings of the IVI Foundation. Although primarily of historical interest, some may be considered histerical.